Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sad truths

I honestly hate people who judge too quickly. We all have our first impressions on people but when you go telling people unlikely stuff about other people, that's a different story. Impressions can either be good or bad and it's natural to have bad impressions on people just as long as you don't make serious judgments because sometimes, people tend to believe whatever other people tell them so they pass it on.

Sometimes, our tactlessness always wins us over. We become insensitive about other people's feelings in terms of the words we utter or the actions we do. Words can hurt. I admit I've said a lot of hurtful words to a lot of people because sometimes, I just couldn't hold my temper. Yes, I am an emotionally sensitive person. I keep a lot of things to myself because that's where I'm good at. I can hold my emotions for a long time but when I feel like I've already had enough, I let it all out. It's either I cry or I say hurtful words. People might say things like: "I hate judgmental people. What's wrong with being judgmental, I mean, everyone is." Let me tell you one thing: Whether you like it or not, people will always judge you. My advice? Deal with it.

Random post. PS: not aiming this entry at anyone.

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