Saturday, March 15, 2014

Little tracks

Look into my eyes and tell
me how they look alluring
in vibrant ocean blue.
Tell me how you wished
you spent your mornings by
the shore with me, waiting for the
sun to come up and by the time
the horizon is visible, we'll be back 
in bed again.

Look into my eyes and feel 
the vagueness of what your life
has become course through you.
Feel it seep into those tiny
holes in your veins like you want
to disappear in a bubble and when
you've gone the way of all flesh 
you won't care because living isn't
the same without me.

Look into my eyes and think of the
nights we held hands together
in the pale moonlight. Think of when
nobody bothered about us sneaking
out at night, them knowing it was the
only way I'd get through the day.

And you know what's sad?
It's when you close your eyes 
for a while and your mind takes you
to places you don't wanna 
remember anymore and by the
time you open them you realize
that you're not looking at my 
eyes at all. You're looking at an
old photograph of me almost
fading in color because darling, it's been
years since we've gone separate ways.

And you have no clue where
I am.

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